Friday, June 8, 2012
Human Responsibility
In response to at least some of these question which have no real right or wrong answer, will we, as a nation allow the diagnosis of a doctor control what we do with our children? All too often, the answer is overwhelmingly yes. "It could increase abortions for reasons that have little to do with medical issues and more to do with parental preferences for traits in children."
Are we that shallow that we only care for things the way we want them? How will the world turnout if we control the future now with our decisions of how we would like our children to turn out? Is there such thing as de-diversification? Who would regulate the proceedings when/if they come out and are not to expensive for an average person to have?
At the same time that knowledge without being able to do anything about it can be very painful. Imagine knowing that your future son/daughter is going to have Marfan Syndrome, and then also acknowledge that there is no "cure" for this genetic mutation. This is not far from what parents today have had to deal with and those who have had it before the disease was found. We didn't die, we survived, we lived. Before there was a polio vaccine, people were treated and then overjoyed when Jonas Salk created the vaccination. But even then, it was not yet mass produced and available to the public. It was a luxury that some parents could not afford. So is this going to be a parallel situation, where those who are rich will simply abort the "problem" children before they are born while the lower class has to "suffer" through loving them and getting them the care they need. This is not the only possible course of action, some say that ignorance is bliss and it can be argued that the needy are what makes the world go 'round. They teach us patience, selflessness and kindness; caring for someone who may not be able to do it themselves is a rite that every human being should shoulder equally. Which is also why I believe that it should be everyone's job to pitch in for the cure to these genetic diseases.
All in all, if we are going to research and find all kinds of new discoveries concerning genetics, perhaps we should create some boundaries for ourselves before we even begin. Yes, this is exciting and this is the future, we can choose our children not to have diseases or to have there personality traits that we like, but the ethics behind this are numerous and very arguable on both sides.
What's Correct?
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Issues Concerning Sperm Donation
This week we talked about infectious disease and somehow got side tracked into talking about sperm donation, and how people chose whether to abort their kids more for the fact that they won't be what they want aesthetically, rather than for reasons like rape. This then led to the question of whether or not donated sperm should be tested to see if it is positive for certain traits like diseases or just aesthetic traits. I personally feel that the government shouldn't force themselves into paying for all these donations to be tested. I feel this way because we have so many problem with money in the government now that I don't feel it would be smart for us to put the financial burden of funding thousands of genetic tests for these donations. Instead, I think the people that want the donations should pay for the tests themselves if they are very concerned about what the donation is positive for. While I would feel sympathy for those that cannot afford this testing, I just don't feel it would be wise for the government to get involved in trying to pay for testing the donation they hope to get. In addition to this, if they cannot afford the testing, maybe they wouldn't be able to afford to have a family as well.
Another issue I would like to talk about is the issue of whether or not someone should abort a child because he or she has been diagnosed with a mental disorder. While I understand that it would take great sacrifice to raise a child with a mental disorder, I cannot bring myself to see aborting a child because they would have that kind of problem. For starters, just because they would have that problem, it wouldn't mean that they will have no life worth living. In addition to this, if you really feel like you cannot raise a child like that, then you can always put the child up for adoption. Finally, I want to address the fact that I do understand that there are great sacrifices in raising a child with mental disorders, but I cannot bring myself to feel that it is alright to abort that child because of those sacrifices when you can put the baby up for adoption.
I just want to conclude by saying these are my personal opinions and that I am not trying to influence anyone else's ideas or to start a problem or conflict with other people here who feel differently.
Is Knowledge Always Power
Consider This
Biomedical Issues that arise with Fetal Genomes
However, such advancements bring on a test of biomedical ethics. As mentioned in the NYTimes article, the acquirement of fetal cells through invasive testing can potentially cause a miscarriage. Although the chances of this possibility are not likely, I don't think a lot of parents would be willing to take the risk. Another issue that comes up is using the information gained from a fetal genome responsibly. What about couples that concieve a child through in-vitro fertilization? With the new technology available, they can have the embryo genetically tested for diseases. And what if they find out the embryo is positive for Down's Syndrome or Tay-Sachs disease? They might not want that embryo and move on to the next. And it can get worse; what if couples want a baby with certain traits? Blonde hair and blue eyes? There's nothing wrong with wanting such traits, but is it ethical to be that selective and have the right to choose between traits? If that were to happen, imagine what would happen to diversity and randomization in America. No parent want their child to have a disease or disorder, but it doesn't make it okay to reject a child that isn't seemingly perfect. So if DNA technology was abused and parents did get to choose what kind of baby they wanted, then for each rejection of an embryo, a life would be lost. Actually, many lives would be lost because that one fetus, that one child, is equal to however many generations it would have preceded. And to add on to that loss, abortion rates would certainly rise.
My point is, DNA sequencing and the recreation of whole genomes can be as helpful as they can be dangerous. With great success comes great responsibility. I think if such techniques were made available to the public in 3-5 years, the issues I mentioned above should be taken into consideration and rules should be instilled to assure that the technology is not abused.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Infectious Diseases, Genetic Testing, and Medical Ethics
Dealing with infections diseases and advancements in human genetics provides several questions with regard to medical ethics.
For example, there is an uptick in an infectious disease known as Chagas disease, that can be fatal and that is now spread through mosquitoes. The question this provokes, similar to our West Nile virus problem, is whether the need for health safety overrides concerns about environmental and ecological damage in using insecticides or other pest control methods. In addition, from where will the resources come to protect populations in countries with limited resources?
We now have the power to do several kinds of genetic testing on humans. In fact, diseases can be found to have genetic foundations. Will we (or insurance companies) foot the bill for expensive genetic testing for diseases, if we do not yet have the ability to treat these genetic defects and prevent the diseases? In a similar vein, since some diseases are passed from parents to children, untested donated sperm can give a woman a baby with a genetic defect. Should genetic testing of sperm and egg donations and/or donors be uniform and/or mandatory? Should the offspring allowed from one donor be limited to a specific number? Should potential parents be able to make selection of sperm, eggs, and/or fetuses on the basis of genetic test results? Should this be limited to health-related characteristics, or be expanded to include other traits such as race, sex, intelligence, height, etc.?
Finally, it has been determined that both warfare and contact sports result in similar brain injuries: Should military personnel be better protected from these injuries, or is the known inherent risk of injury or death implicit in military enrollment enough to cover these brain injuries? Put otherwise, is modern warfare so dangerous to make it incompatible with the human condition? (Advances in war-zone medical treatment have decreased deaths but increased casualties, meaning that far more soldiers survive with far more serious injuries than previously.) Also, should intense contact sports, such as football, be limited to older athletes; should they be banned entirely; or is this concern just a sign of our increasing softness as a society? Remember, in the old days football and hockey players didn't even wear helmets.
Lots of questions, which will hopefully spur lots of discussion for our last week together. See you Tuesday.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Can Egypt Truly Become Liberal?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Does One Size Fit all?
The US assumes a "one-size-fits-all" solution for all international governments, failing to take into account the desires of the people. Pretending that we are still in the Golden Age of America, we continue to export democracy around the world. It has been a successful system for us as a country; surely, it would be beneficial elsewhere. However, this is not the case. In Egypt, for instance, the Egyptians may choose a president that the US views as malignant to US interests. If they do choose such a president, is the US allowed to intervene and change their choice? Of course not. If the US did intervene to change their president, the US would be no better than all of European countries that once lorded over the colonies. It would go against the US's perception of itself.
In February, the Egyptian government brought criminal charges against the National Democratic Institute and the International Republican Institute. The US immediately objected and this dispute could cause problems in the Middle East, especially since Egypt is one of the US's best Middle Eastern allies. They could not understand; what was wrong with supporting democracy? But if you picture the situation in reverse, it becomes clear what exactly Egypt was unhappy with. Imagine no explanation as to why your form of government is wrong. Imagine free Korans being handed out in the streets. Imagine the encouragement of jihad, a word not even fully understood by most Americans. Imagine a country with no shorts or tank tops or any "immodest" attire. Imagine what the uproar would be like if Egypt had asked that of us. Americans demand equality, youth empowerment, and secularization. None of this fits into the desires of Egypt. Admittedly, it is regrettable that some parts of democracy (particularly gender equality) are rejected because of cultural traditions but these are issues that Egypt must sort out by itself -- if it turns out to be an issue at all. After all, foreign policy is meant to create allies of the US, not clones of American society. Even so, American democracy isn't the only type of democracy; perhaps Egypt could develop its own working government where religion and government are appropriately balanced.
If we consider our cinema, is it any wonder why a country like Egypt wouldn't want to be like us?
Taste And See
Due to the fact that Egyptian law is deeply based on the religion of Islam, it may take a longer time. Some citizens are content with this government and only ask for stability. What many people don't realize is that the Sharia laws many Muslim nations engrave into society are simple rules, similar to the Ten Commandments. Some nations regard these laws to the highest degree and that is why they base federal laws upon them. And since Egypt is mostly comprised of an Islamic population, it's difficult for many to accept democracy the way America institutionalizes it. In my opinion, I don't think such religious laws should be imposed upon anyone who does not believe in them. Instead, the individual could follow them if they please.
It's not impossible to institute true democracy in Egypt, but it will be very difficult since many Mulsim citizens are opposed to certain things like gay marriage or the right to an abortion. The cultural and historic background in Egypt prohibit change, but there's still hope.
Democracy in Egypt
Democracy in Egypt: Is it Really a Government by the People, for the People?
- Former Mubarak Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq
- Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammed Morsy
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Can democracy take root in cultures, societies, and nations in which it is not rooted in history?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Egyptians Vote in Democratic Election
Friday, May 25, 2012
Teenage Dream
However, Greece is very good when it comes to government services, so if the country were to default, the programs would virtually be wiped out and the population would suffer detrimentally. Last year, the people of Greece rioted on the streets when the government tried to reduce the government aid programs, especially for the elderly, by about 50%. Germany, one of the strongest members of the union, is like the credit card company loaning money to the teenaged girl. At first, she probably was able to afford the interest and principle, but eventually started to run out of cash or euros to pay for the principle which in turn increased the interest. Interest at the start of a loan is like 90% and principle is 10%, with interest after a quarter, six months, or a year decreasing and principle increasing in rate.
If Greece defaults, the debt goes away, similar to the teenaged girl filing for bankruptcy. However, its reputation and ability to obtain a loan goes sour. Say for example we stick to the teenaged girl analogy and she no longer owns a credit card. This means her credit score will be wiped out, which is financially worse than a bad credit score because she actually doesn’t have one anymore. In turn, luxuries such as a car or a house will become exponentially difficult to own because of her ruined reputation, which deters most potential loaners (it’s almost like paying cash upfront for a house and not having a mortgage). The only difference in this analogy between the irresponsible teenaged girl and Greece, however, is that the credit card company (e.g. Germany) does NOT want the girl to file for bankruptcy. This country is one of the most powerful and prestigious countries in the union. If Germany were at 100% before Greece defaulted, it would be down to 75 or maybe 50% after Greece defaults, which is why Germany, as well as France and Britain, are trying to keep the lower union members such as Greece and Spain afloat before hitting ground zero.