Monday, February 27, 2012

Delay in civil trial over 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Reminds the Need for an Alternate Energy Source

It can be disputed whether an alternate primary energy source for the Untied States is worth pursuing. This country’s reliance on oil is heavy, sometimes too heavy. During our class’s discussions on alternate energy sources the topic of practicality was often brought up. Although it may be quite difficult, and not always cost effective up front, it still seems to be an urgent goal. The conversation on alternate energy was stemmed from a greater conversation on global warming. The effect of climate change on the world is not easily disputed with a sound mind. The extent and speed of the effects of climate change can be debated though. What cannot be argued is the damage the BP oil spill caused in April 2010. The oil spill in the Gulf Coast not only hurt the wildlife in the waters and the surrounding lands but also the lives of many, especially Americans in New Orleans. The horrors of the BP oil spill have been revisited by the media because of the pending civil trial. BBC reported on February 26 in an article titled “BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill trial delayed for a week” talked about the spill. The article reminds the reader of some of the pressing quotes regarding the oil spill, “US President Barack Obama called the spill ‘the worst environmental disaster the nation has ever faced.’” The article writes that the trial would start March 5 right now. This will surely bring the terrors of the oil spill back into media’s spotlight. Many of the defendants in this case from New Orleans, some of whom lost their close ones to the spill and many who lost significant business because of what the oil did to the waters want this case to proceed to trial. The New York Times published an article on the same day as BBC in regards to the delay. Quotes throughout the article explain how the people making up the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee at this point just want the trial to go to trial. They want the truth to be exposed about BP. One cannot feel the aches and pains these citizens are still experiencing as a result of this disastrous oil spill. Furthermore, it must be examined whether the United States want to risk another catastrophic oil spill. With gas prices being rumored to reach a record five dollars per gallon and the prices only went up in the days and weeks after the oil spill, it must be questioned whether oil is the right choice. We already know that oil is terrible for the world, with global warming affecting the Earth at a pace difficult to predict, but we cannot overlook that oil is also posing a threat to the nature and to peoples livelihoods. Yes, it does provide jobs to many at the same rate, but so can an alternate energy source like solar or wind energy. Higher fuel economy cars might make a citizen feel good about them and their wallet but the car is still using oil, which is still hurting the Earth and still the many affected by the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

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