Saturday, February 11, 2012

Global Warming Conclusion

Throughout the week we established there is such a thing as global warming. The Earth’s average temperature is in fact on the rise. The disagreement stemmed among us stemmed from other questions. What is causing global warming? What can we do about global warming? What should we do about global warming, and how should we do it? These are questions the Earth’s scientists have been researching and debating for decades.

The belief in everyone making one tiny change in personal lifestyle is an idea which was brought up more than once in our class. If everyone makes a conscious effort, then change at least change has the possibility of happening. But change is hard, and it is human nature to reject alterations to routine. The population recently broke seven billion people – how do you ask seven billion people to utilize reusable bags or drink from reusable plastic bottles instead of paper cups. If we did, however, get all those people to make small changes then maybe, just maybe we could stop or slow down global warming.

The idea was brought up the government should be criticized for a lack of recognition; changing global warming will have to occur through the government creating a market for stopping or slowing it down. Does our government even have the capacity to accomplish a market like such? The government has enough trouble just sustaining itself; in order to accomplish anything related to global warming someone would have to come up with significant proof it not only exists, but we, humans, are causing it. Right now, there is no such proof – there is only proof the temperature and carbon emissions are going up at the same time. The question remains, are they correlated to each other.

Other countries have taken small steps towards becoming “green”. Germany has entire fields of solar panels. Japan has a train which levitates on magnets. Australia’s super markets don’t provide bags. Even New York City demands anyone living in a house to recycle trash or else risk a fine. It’s not enough; because the little things done by industrialized countries are nullified by the industrialization of other countries. Who has the right to tell them not to build, to become a better place to live? The solution is not clear, nothing good ever comes easily.

There are still many more questions left unanswered than the ones we discussed in class. The world is looking for a solution to something which may not be fixable. We may or may not have caused global warming, but people do believe humans have increased the rate of the process. The Earth’s natural state tends to be a world of ice; maybe it is the Earth’s way of protecting itself from parasites such as Humans. We have claimed the Earth for ourselves, and not thinking about what we are doing to our planet. The increase in disease and natural disaster may be the early signs of Mother Nature trying to tell us something. No matter your opinion of global warming, it is for certain the earth is changing

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