Thursday, June 7, 2012

Issues Concerning Sperm Donation

          This week we talked about infectious disease and somehow got side tracked into talking about sperm donation, and how people chose whether to abort their kids more for the fact that they won't be what they want aesthetically, rather than for reasons like rape. This then led to the question of whether or not donated sperm should be tested to see if it is positive for certain traits like diseases or just aesthetic traits.  I personally feel that the government shouldn't force themselves into paying for all these donations to be tested. I feel this way because we have so many problem with money in the government now that I don't feel it would be smart for us to put the financial burden of funding thousands of genetic tests for these donations. Instead, I think the people that want the donations should pay for the tests themselves if they are very concerned about what the donation is positive for. While I would feel sympathy for those that cannot afford this testing, I just don't feel it would be wise for the government to get involved in trying to pay for testing the donation they hope to get. In addition to this, if they cannot afford the testing, maybe they wouldn't be able to afford to have a family as well.
          Another issue I would like to talk about is the issue of whether or not someone should abort a child because he or she has been diagnosed with a mental disorder. While I understand that it would take great sacrifice to raise a child with a mental disorder, I cannot bring myself to see aborting a child because they would have that kind of problem. For starters, just because they would have that problem, it wouldn't mean that they will have no life worth living. In addition to this, if you really feel like you cannot raise a child like that, then you can always put the child up for adoption. Finally, I want to address the fact that I do understand that there are great sacrifices in raising a child with mental disorders, but I cannot bring myself to feel that it is alright to abort that child because of those sacrifices when you can put the baby up for adoption.
          I just want to conclude by saying these are my personal opinions and that I am not trying to influence anyone else's ideas or to start a problem or conflict with other people here who feel differently.

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