Wednesday, March 7, 2012

GOP Candidates Opposed to Obama’s Iranian Response

           In the midst of the republic party presidential election, a lot of criticism and opposition has arised not only between the candidates themselves, but also between the candidates and Barack Obama. The sequence of events, which have led to the clash between the candidates and the president are based on an international matter involving Iran. Obama met with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Monday March 5th 2012 and explicitly stated his support for Israel and disapproval for Iran’s nuclear weapon development. Obama’s disapproval for Iran’s nuclear weapon development has been marked by his sanctions against the country and statements of proposed action. Obama’s sanctions and proposed actions are conceived as “not tough enough”, as stated by Mitt Romney and fuels the same criticism made by Gingrich and Santorum. Ron Paul on the other hand, does not see that Iran is of any overt threat to the US, as of yet. Mitt Romney also commented that Obama’s procrastination is not going to help the situation and wants not only tougher sanctions to be administered, but also would intend to use military force in the future (if he wins the election).
              In connection to Romney’s comment on using military force, I also though it was interesting that Romney is an avid supporter of keeping troops in Iraq, even after all the struggle we have endured to get them out of there. It is apparent that the candidate’s are focused on ensuring the safety of American’s and want military force and action to be methods of promotion to ensure that safety. But, I believe that Obama’s ultimatum to Iran has been well thought out and planned effectively. If Obama went about this situation in the manner that the candidates are advocating, the scenario might change rapidly and in fact cause a greater and faster dispute between Iran and Israel. He is being cautious of his actions towards Iran, which the candidates would obviously categorize as being too lenient.  If a more extreme military effort (as proposed by Romney) is put into play to control Iran, it may spur a war or dispute. As of now, the candidates should focus on their own their own campaigns and dial down the criticism.

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