Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Social Media - is good?

Is social media a good advertising location and is advertising in said location ethical. Advertising through social media is absolutely an excellent and genius way to reach out to the consumer. Marketing through a social media portal is a way to take advantage of a person’s interests. The best way to interact with the consumer is to direct your marketing strategy for your target audience. Being able to reach out to your target audience is the difference between a marginally successful marketing campaign and an extremely successful marketing campaign.

The questions for this marketing approach come when the ethicalness is investigated. Is it ethical for a company like Facebook or Google to follow your browser history? Many people believe it is not ethical, but don’t Google and Facebook allow you to use their sights for free. Do you pay for the use of Google’s search engine? Does Facebook charge you to connect with your friend from elementary school who you haven’t seen in fifteen years or to play Farmville? The answer to both of those questions is no. So why should either of those two companies be judged; they provide you with a free service and you provide them with information that they can sell. It sounds fair enough to me, if you don’t like it then don’t use the services being provided to everyone else for free.

The world is most definitely a better place with social media, but people need to realize what they have and not complain about it. The use of Google, Facebook, twitter, and other social media sites is beneficial for all, both the people using them and the advertisers taking advantage of them. If you don’t like the ads, don’t click on them.

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