Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Romney's Lead

The only thing that may be harder than maintaining a presidency is obtaining the spot in the first place. Obama's approval rating averages 45% this month, which is inauspicious towards his chances of re-election, to be sure. Thus, many candidates seek to vilify him and distance themselves from Obama's far-reaching shadow. Most Democrats consider Obama's presidency a success, as compared to the Republicans' views that Obama has failed. Keeping this in mind, candidates have largely targeted their Republican fans, staying true to their roots. Nonetheless, Romney sticks out as the sore thumb because he is the true mastermind of Obamacare, flip-flopped on immigration, and his lack of clarity on Afghanistan, leaving him open to interpretation on one of the biggest topics.

Romney was governor of Massachusetts from 2003 - 2007. In 2006, he signed a bill into effect that was the basis for Obama's ideas on near universal health care. With Obama's plummeting approval ratings and recognition of the differences between their two parties, Romney neglected his own plan and announced that he aimed to repeal Obamacare on Day 1 because what worked in Massachusetts could not work in the entire country. He suspiciously avoids the topic, maintaining that he is proud of the bill only when pressed, and then quickly criticizing the bill as enacted by his Democratic peers.

On immigration, Romney is pro-fence and does not think that amnesty should be given to illegal immigrants. Before the election, however, he announced that he believed that a pathway to citizenship should be given to illegal aliens. In changing his views to such an extent, Romney sought to increase his standing among Republicans, who mainly support deportation and fencing. He also aligned himself to a stance more similar to the rest of his Republican competition. As a former businessman, he is hoping that his ability to understand and jumpstart the economy will aid his success - and so far it's working. What he doesn't realize is that immigrants are the ones doing the jobs that we Americans refuse to do as a result of pride and extremely low wages. They are, in essence, saving our economy from completely going down the drain.

Romney wants our troops home but is waiting for the "okay" from the generals and has not commented on Obama's bringing the troops home. With Romney, we don't know what we're getting. Romney is a wild card and one that we shouldn't be willing to play. Romney's lead is based off what we want and not necessarily what may be right for us. There is no telling who should be the winner - after all, not even Obama really gave us the "change" he said he would.

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