Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Internet Lawyer

The Internet is a new and exciting entity. As recently as 1991 Mr. Bonamo was having picture parties after European trips due to a lack of a medium to share the photos from the trip. Now we have more than one medium to share photos. We have the luxury of Facebook, Twitter, or, of you want videos, YouTube. There is one major problem with many of these websites, they track your browsing history. One could argue against such an invasion of privacy, but my argument would be that you gave up your right to that privacy when you hit the "I agree" button on the contract presented to you when you sign up for an account or ever once in a while when changes are made. When you hit the agreement button on the computer it is almost identical to signing a contract, you have agreed to their terms in order to gain access or create an account to their sight. Does anyone ever read these contracts? I don't know, but that doesn't change that you signed the contract. When buying a house you don't read all the paperwork necessary to purchase the house - you have a real estate lawyer. Maybe it is time for people to take their own personal security into their own hands and hire an internet lawyer before hitting that owe so enticing "I agree" button. The responsibility to take care of privacy falls to the consumer, not the company providing a free service. Internet law is a growing type of law which will continue to grow as the Internet continues to grow. There is talk of Internet wills where people assign the use of emails, and social networking accounts just like they would assign their jewelry. It might be time to take that next step and have lawyers read Internet contractual agreements before signing up for that new email account just like you would before buying the home of your dreams.

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